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Transnational education (programmes abroad)

Dutch higher education institutions may provide programmes abroad (transnational education) (Dutch Bulletin of Acts, Orders, and Decrees 2018-152). Following approval, they may confer Dutch degrees upon completion of such programmes abroad.

General info

The point of departure is that the programme abroad is largely equal to an existing programme that has already been accredited in the Netherlands.

The Minister of Education, Culture and Science decides on the (first) application and may solicit advice from NVAO to this end. NVAO has developed a protocol for the quality assessment of programmes abroad, which addresses the (component of the) advice to be provided to the Minister (i.e., NVAO does not take a decision). As a rule, in addition to soliciting advice from NVAO, the Minister will also solicit advice from the Education Inspectorate. Following receipt of the recommendations, the Minister will decide on the application.

Any re-assessment will be incorporated into a regular accreditation procedure for existing programmes, with explicit attention being focused on the annexe abroad.

Information page on the website of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science regarding the provision of programmes abroad.




Applications are assessed on the basis of the regular NVAO assessment frameworks. The assessment of the intended learning outcomes and the curricul...
Applications are assessed on the basis of the regular NVAO assessment frameworks. The assessment of the intended learning outcomes and the curriculum content will be based on the programme provided and accredited in the Netherlands. Any differences must be specified in the application and will be covered in the assessment. Useful documents are: the Self-Evaluation Report of the programme accredited in the Netherlands, updated and supplemented with the programme abroad, with explicit additional information on the elements to be assessed (see protocol); the curricula of the Dutch programme and the annexe; information on enrolment procedures, selection if any, and level guarantees; documents pertaining to the annexe; the Teaching and Examination Regulations with a paragraph on the annexe.


The assessment is conducted by an independent panel to be convened by NVAO, whose members are familiar with the discipline and preferably with tran...
The assessment is conducted by an independent panel to be convened by NVAO, whose members are familiar with the discipline and preferably with transnational education and the region in which the annexe will be set up. One or two members of the panel that has conducted the assessment of the Dutch programme may be invited to sit on the new panel.


NVAO submits a positive or negative advice to the Minister of Education, Culture and Science. In its advice, NVAO may include substantive recommend...
NVAO submits a positive or negative advice to the Minister of Education, Culture and Science. In its advice, NVAO may include substantive recommendations and conditions. In the event that NVAO cannot come to a conclusion, the advice to the Minister will be negative. Applications without a site visit outside the Netherlands can be completed within three months. Depending on the site visit, this timeframe will be extended to six months.


If the procedure requires a site visit outside the Netherlands, the costs of a first assessment of a transnational programme in 2025 are comparable to the fee for initial accreditations, i.e., EUR 24,000.

Different rates apply for non-standard procedures. The costs of visits abroad, work performed by external experts, advisory work, or work associated with additional requirements will be invoiced additionally. A residual rate applies if an application for a new programme is withdrawn.

Contact person


Infodesk Team Nederland

Appeal procedure

In the Netherlands and Flanders, the board of an institution may appeal a (draft) NVAO decision.

More information