The Netherlands and Flanders each have their own quality assurance system, an integrated system for external quality assurance. A quality assurance system includes the various procedures and conditions for obtaining accreditation. All NVAO procedures are based on assessment frameworks.
As we emerge from this crisis, reflection is still needed. This case example that we wrote for ENQA describes our actions in Flanders to maintain quality assurance during challenging times: from online dialogues and hybrid site visits as an additional tool in our toolkit to accelerating the development of an online training platform.
The graduate programme in shop management of VIVES hogeschool is the first programme in Flanders to have a new style report, tailored to their own needs. The rigid assessment frameworks, detailed checklists and interview style have been replaced by NVAO's Appreciative Approach, open frameworks and ditto exchanges of views. At VIVES, NVAO sounded out the impact of this radically different approach to quality assurance.
NVAO has been paving the way for a European quality assurance framework for years now and is proud to coordinate the EUniQ project on behalf of the Flemish Ministry of Education and Training. It is up to the EUniQ consortium to think ahead and provide the European Universities with the right framework to live up to their European ambitions.
Today, the Accreditation Organization of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) presented the results of the system-wide analysis "Futureproof Curricula" at a well-attended launch event. The overview report, "Futureproof Curricula: Building Blocks for Futureproof Higher Education", outlines the key steps needed to make higher education future-ready. This analysis was the result of an intensive year in which nine higher education institutions shared their knowledge and experiences to develop innovative teaching methods that respond to the rapidly changing labor market and society.
Read moreNVAO has confidence in the quality of the Bachelor's degree programmes in Nursing. This is evident from the overview report published by NVAO on the assessments of these programmes. However, this was not the case in 2015, when NVAO issued negative accreditation decisions for all these nursing programmes. What followed was a thorough reform of the curriculum and an extension of the duration of studies. NVAO’s overview report sketches a general picture of the assessment procedures and the substantive findings of the assessment panels. The report concludes with NVAO's insights and policy recommendations.
Read moreTogether with experts from the field, NVAO Netherlands has worked on a guide that can inspire study programmes, students and organisations in the (further) development of work-based learning. The guide 'A route map for high-quality work-based learning in higher education' describes a system that can contribute to the dialogue on the quality of work-based learning within higher education and is therefore also relevant for review panels responsible for the assessment of study programmes with work-based learning in the programme.
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