
It is possible that you are not satisfied with the working methods of the NVAO or one of its employees (including persons working under the responsibility of the NVAO, such as panel members). Everyone has the right to file a complaint.

Are you dissatisfied with the NVAO? There are several ways to make this known, depending on the subject:



You can file a complaint if you are dissatisfied with the services or working methods of the NVAO. For example, if you have received incorrect information or if you have not been treated correctly by an employee or a panel member. A complaint is therefore not about the content of a decision. The NVAO's Complaints Procedure for External Complaints does not apply to complaints that relate to conduct that took place during Flemish assessment procedures.


Flemish regulations apply to complaints that specifically relate to conduct of NVAO staff (including panel members) that took place during Flemish assessment procedures.

Appeal procedures

Do you disagree with a decision of the NVAO? Then you can lodge an appeal. Such an appeal concerns the content of an accreditation decision, not the services provided by the NVAO or the actions of an employee.

If you, as a student, have a complaint about your institution or study programme, you have some external possibilities to make this complaint known.