
The General Board of NVAO addresses the strategic policy pursued by the organisation and recommendations to the Education Ministers. The day-to-day management of the organisation has been mandated to the Executive Board and the Management Team.


General Board 

The Board of NVAO addresses the strategic policy pursued by the organisation, the development of quality assurance systems in the Netherlands and Flanders along with the ensuing assessment frameworks, reports on the assessment of clusters of institutions or programmes, the adoption of the budget and the annual accounts, appeals, and recommendations to the Education Ministers. The Dutch and Flemish members of the NVAO Board are expert in the fields of higher education, the professional practice of higher education, scientific or academic research, or quality assurance. The NVAO Board consists of a maximum of fifteen members, who are appointed for a four-year term by the Committee of Ministers (the Dutch and Flemish Ministers responsible for higher education).  

Members General Board NVAO 

  • dr. Arnold Jonk - Chair, The Netherlands, Member Executive Board 
  • prof. dr. Wouter Duyck - Vicechair, Flanders, Member Executive Board 
  • em. prof. dr. Ludo Beheydt - Flanders 
  • Julie Beysens - Flanders
  • prof. dr. Jeroen Huisman - International
  • mr. Jo van Ham - The Netherlands
  • prof. dr. Marc Vermeulen - The Netherlands
  • Mirjam Koster-Wentink MA - The Netherlands
  • dr. Carine Steverlynck - Flanders, Member Executive Board 
  • Truus Omta - The Netherlands
  • Luc van Gorp - Flanders
  • Jozef de Cuyper - Flanders

Executive Board

The NVAO Board has mandated the Executive Board to decide on specific applications. The Chair and a maximum of four other NVAO Board Members constitute the NVAO Executive Board.

Members Executive Board NVAO 

  • dr. Arnold Jonk - Chair, The Netherlands 
  • prof. dr. Wouter Duyck - Vicechair, Flanders 
  • dr. Carine Steverlynck - Flanders 

Management Team

The Management Team is responsible for the day-to-day management of the NVAO office.

Members Management Team NVAO

  • mr. Luut Kroes - Director Department The Netherlands 
  • lic. Axel Aerden - Director Department Flanders