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Name Change Programme

A higher education programme can request a name change via NVAO (Wet kwaliteit in verscheidenheid hoger onderwijs).

General info

NVAO assesses whether the content of the programme change substantially in addition to the name change. In this case, the institution apply for an accreditation procedure of a new programme. NVAO checks if the Commissie Doelmatigheid Hoger Onderwijs (CDHO) must be enabled.




The institution or programme motivate at her request why is chosen for a new name and if this new name matches the content of the programme. At onl...
The institution or programme motivate at her request why is chosen for a new name and if this new name matches the content of the programme. At only a translation of the name a written request (letter) is sufficient. When the new name is due to a modification of the programme, indicating that there is a new programme, then a (brief) information file is attached.


The name change should not lead to another classification of the programme in the governmental register for higher education programmes (in Dutch: ...
The name change should not lead to another classification of the programme in the governmental register for higher education programmes (in Dutch: Centraal Register Opleidingen Hoger Onderwijs - CROHO). If this is the case, there is a reordering and the Commissie Doelmatigheid Hoger Onderwijs (CDHO) must give an advice to the Minister of Education, Culture and Science.


The NVAO treats the request for a name change within three months, depending on the advice of any external expert. When the content of the programm...
The NVAO treats the request for a name change within three months, depending on the advice of any external expert. When the content of the programme change not substantially and the proposed name is in line with that which is customary in the sector or visitation group NVAO will decide on the basis of the application dossier and desk research. If there is a change in the programme NVAO asks external experts for a site visit and an advisory report.


In 2025, the rate of the NVAO for interim advice on changing the name of a programme is EUR 1,000. For a name change during a regular accreditation procedure, no fee is calculated.

Appeal procedure

In the Netherlands and Flanders, the board of an institution may appeal a (draft) NVAO decision.

More information