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Interim reflection

Interim reflection for extended accreditation of higher education degree programmes.

General info

The Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science extended the accreditations of a large number of higher education degree programmes (henceforth ‘programmes’) to better spread the reviews. Achieving this spread meant that the visitation timetable needed to be adjusted. As a consequence, some programmes have had the duration of their accreditation extended by more than two years.

The Minister granted these extensions on condition that each of these programmes must address a written statement to NVAO before the original submission date, showing that it has conducted an interim reflection that NVAO can use to ascertain that the basic quality of the programme is not at risk.

NVAO will assess whether the statement from the institution’s board was submitted on time and whether the interim reflection was conducted in the right manner.

It is the institution’s own responsibility to submit its statement on time: NVAO will not send any reminders. If the written statement is not submitted on time, NVAO will inform the institution accordingly and notify the Minister.


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    Appeal procedure

    In the Netherlands and Flanders, the board of an institution may appeal a (draft) NVAO decision.

    More information