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Stichting NTI Hogeschool

General information

Institution: Stichting NTI Hogeschool
Address: Postbus 2222 2301 CE Leiden

Programmes in this institution


{{ education[prefix + 'Education'].name }} Details accreditation
B Business Management Studies Details accreditation
B Architecture and Construction Engineering Details accreditation
B European Studies Details accreditation
B Industrial Engineering & Management Details accreditation
B SPD Bedrijfsadministratie Details accreditation
B Toegepaste Psychologie Details accreditation
B Voeding en Diƫtetiek Details accreditation
B Human Resource Management Details accreditation
B Maatschappelijk Werk en Dienstverlening Details accreditation
B Sociaal Pedagogische Hulpverlening Details accreditation
B Social Legal Services Details accreditation

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