Name: | B International Relations and International Organization |
Accreditation type: | Accreditation |
Accreditation decision: | Positive |
Decision date: | 04/29/16 |
Final decision: | Positive |
NVAO number: | 004377 |
Comments: | Beperkte opleidingsbeoordeling. Eindoordeel: voldoende Sinds 1 januari 2014 geldt de accreditatietermijn vanaf datum besluit NVAO (WHW, artikel 5a.9, vierde lid). De accreditatietermijn is verlengd tot 1 januari 2021 (WHW, artikel 18.32ab). |
Documents: |
Decision Report |
Name: | B International Relations and International Organization |
Accreditation type: | Accreditation |
Accreditation decision: | Conditionally positive |
Decision date: | 06/30/14 |
Final decision: | Negative |
NVAO number: | 002615 |
Documents: |
Decision |