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B Marketing Management

NHL Stenden Hogeschool


Accreditation 06/16/20

Name: B Marketing Management
Accreditation type: Accreditation
Accreditation decision: Positive
Decision date: 06/16/20
NVAO number: 009681
Documents: Decision

Accreditation 03/31/16

Name: B Marketing Management
Accreditation type: Accreditation
Accreditation decision: Positive
Decision date: 03/31/16
Final decision: Positive
NVAO number: 004337
Comments: Uitgebreide opleidingsbeoordeling. Eindoordeel: voldoende Sinds 1 januari 2014 geldt de accreditatietermijn vanaf datum besluit NVAO (WHW, artikel 5a.9, vierde lid). De accreditatietermijn is verlengd tot 1 januari 2021 (WHW, artikel 18.32ab).
Documents: Decision

Accreditation 11/28/14

Name: B Marketing Management
Accreditation type: Accreditation
Accreditation decision: Conditionally positive
Decision date: 11/28/14
Final decision: Positive
NVAO number: 002645
Documents: Decision

Accreditation 05/30/14

Name: B Marketing Management
Accreditation type: Accreditation
Accreditation decision: Positive
Decision date: 05/30/14
Final decision: Positive
NVAO number: 002352
Comments: Beperkte opleidingsbeoordeling. Eindoordeel: voldoende De opleiding wordt aangeboden in de talen Nederlands en Engels. The programme is offered in the Dutch and English languages. De accreditatietermijn is verlengd tot 1 januari 2021 (WHW, artikel 18.32ab).
Documents: Decision