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B Bachelor of Nursing

Avans Hogeschool B.V.

General info

Programme: B Bachelor of Nursing
Degree: Bachelor
Form: deeltijd, voltijd
Education type: HBO Bachelor
Part: gezondheidszorg
Studie load: 240
ISAT number: 30122
Funding: niet bekostigd
Location: Alkmaar, Almelo, Assen, Breda, Delft, Heerlen, Lelystad, Roermond, Tilburg, Utrecht, Venlo
Visitation group: HBO Bachelor Nursing Zuid
Submission date: 05/31/25


Initial Accreditation 06/18/19

Name: B Bachelor of Nursing
Accreditation type: Initial Accreditation
Accreditation decision: Positive
Decision date: 06/18/19
NVAO number: 008321
Documents: Decision

Initial Accreditation 03/31/17

Name: B Bachelor of Nursing
Accreditation type: Initial Accreditation
Accreditation decision: Positive
Decision date: 03/31/17
Final decision: Positive
NVAO number: 005087
Comments: Uitgebreide toets nieuwe opleiding. Eindoordeel: positief
Documents: Decision

Initial Accreditation 08/31/16

Name: B Bachelor of Nursing
Accreditation type: Initial Accreditation
Accreditation decision: Conditionally positive
Decision date: 08/31/16
Final decision: Conditionally positive
NVAO number: 004490
Documents: Decision