The Flemish Community successfully applied for EU funding of the project “Developing a European Approach for Comprehensive QA of (European) University Networks” (EUniQ). The EUniQ project is coordinated by NVAO on behalf of the Flemish Community. The project consortium comprises eight quality assurance (QA) agencies, six ministries and the European stakeholders organisations EUA, ESU and ENQA.
The partners of the EUniQ project developed, in close cooperation with European Universities, a QA framework for European Universities. The QA framework is geared towards the special multi-campuses features and comprehensive missions of these new alliances. This QA framework focusses on the joint provision of the alliance.
Ultimately, European Universities should be able to request an external evaluation with one European Framework and one corresponding QA procedure instead of being subject to multiple (national) QA frameworks and procedures that may be conflicting, burdensome or less suitable for European Universities. The principles of the European Approach for QA of Joint Programmes serve as an inspiration in this regard. The developed QA framework was tested through four pilot assessments of European Universities.
During the project, the results were shared with the Bologna Peer Support Group on Quality Assurance, thereby enabling peer learning and enhancing support from national authorities for the European Approach.
The project ran from May 2019 to November 2021 and was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
General information on the EUniQ-project

EUniQ secretariat